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Democracy Forum 2023

Recently, the Obama Foundation 2023 Democracy Forum took place in Chicago.

President Barack Obama emphasized that we need a healthier information ecosystem

and made a strong case for an inclusive economy but also how we define progress in our economy. He called for the revitalization of institutions to encourage active citizenship, and the promotion of a democratic culture around the world.

The main questions of the forum were:

  1. How are technological innovations, including AI, impacting the future of work?

  2. How is economic inclusion fundamental to safeguarding and expanding democracy in countries around the world?

  3. What challenges do innovations such as AI pose to economic and social inclusion?

  4. Why is it so important to strengthen trust in institutions?

  5. What practical and principled approaches create more fairness and equal opportunity in our increasingly digitally-driven economy?

  6. How we can build meaningful connections and communities that contribute to an inclusive, democratic society?

My take-aways:

  • These types of forums are important to connect people while inspiring and empowering them to bring about change.

  • The challenges we're facing are solvable and manageable.

The preconditions for solving these problems start with our personal, virtual and public interactions. They start within organizations. How do we see, hear and listen to each other in ways that allow us to meet, to respect and acknowledge our history? What are the preconditions for us to be able to work together on challenges like climate change and the economy?

  • How can we reconcile the idea of diversity with our own identities and our own history? How can we use this understanding to find common ground, to seek understanding and promote empathy, and what language can we use, what structures and organizations?

If you believe in democracy, in bottom-up progress, you have to have a cautious optimism about the good in other people.

Watch the full speech here:


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