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Democracy: It’s more than a system of government, it’s a set of values.

Freedom, Justice, Equality, Openness, Truth. It's not about blood, pedigree, or wealth. It’s about making sure everyone has a voice and a fair shot. And it’s up to all of us as individuals to not only hope for a better future, but work together to build it. --Michelle Obama


I couldn’t agree more and am happy to do my part by bringing together leaders,

who are putting forward citizen-centered, inclusive and equitable approaches, solutions and technologies that promote democracy and strengthen transatlantic collaboration.

These thought leaders recognize that strong democracies have to promote equitable access to economic opportunities for their citizens and instill trust in both governmental and non-governmental institutions.

As economic inequality increases, so does social polarization. And as distrust in our institutions grows, so does cynicism among voters and citizens.

That’s why it’s so important for democracy, that we make sure that our economic and social structures are inclusive or as Michelle Obama puts it that

“everyone has a voice and a fair shot.”

I'm very much looking forward to listening to #MichelleObama in Munich at Bits & Pretzels to hear her vision about the importance of inclusivity and diversity and what type of leadership is required to both safeguard and strengthen democracy, how we can encourage more people to vote, what we as individuals can do to build communities, grow as individuals and empower others.

Check this space for my take on her speech along with other insights from the day.


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