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German-American Day 2023

What began with an exchange year in 1995 has become a lifelong transatlantic passion.


What started with the experience of living in Montana for a year as a German teenager, graduating from high school, competing for medals with the varsity swim team, making new friends, taking art classes, choir, wood shop, single survival class :-), and track and field - and most of all becoming a member of an incredible loving American family - has changed my life.

I couldn't be more grateful for this intercultural exchange. It laid the foundation for so much more, on a personal and professional level, for so many more visits to and stays in the U.S., and ultimately for my interest in political affairs, transatlantic relations, and the promotion of democracy.

So on the occasion of this year's German-American Day, this is a big shout out to my host family + siblings, my parents, my brother + his GER/U.S. family, my U.S. friends and friends from the exchange program, my professors at UNC and the TAM program - without you I wouldn't be who I am and where I am!

This is a unique relationship based on trust, the same set of values, and a willingness to not let politics or disagreements get in the way, but to nurture and strengthen this friendship.


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